We believe that community is the place we learn the practice of loving and being loved.

The Beloved Community at Tikkun Farm
The Beloved Community at Tikkun Farm intends to be a community of companionship for pilgrims committed to engaging in the spiritual inner work that increases our capacity to see the presence of Love in all things. 

The Beloved Community at Tikkun Farm welcomes all pilgrims seeking companionship on this inward journey bringing us home to our truest selves. 

Community of Tikkun Farm
Not everyone chooses the inward journey. Barbara Brown Taylor, a pilgrim who left the Church to walk this path, talks about it this way: “Committing myself to the task of becoming fully human is saving my life now. This is not the same as the job of being human, which came with my birth certificate. To become fully human is something extra, a conscious choice that not everyone makes.” 

The inward journey is one we embark on alone. Only we can walk the path toward the wise mind within us. Tikkun Farm seeks to offer a place for doing this inner work, in the company of others committed to their own wisdom path. We gather in the spirit of Ram Dass, who said “we are all just walking each other home.” 

What kind of Community are we?
We are the Beloved community

  • We believe in the essential goodness of the human family and that all people bear a sacred image.

We are a community of Radical Hospitality

  • Hospitality is “not limited to its literal sense of receiving a stranger in our house, but as a fundamental attitude toward our fellow human being, which can be expressed in a great variety of ways.” 
  • We celebrate diverse leadership and community, including women, people of color, gay, lesbian, and transgender pilgrims.
  • Our expansive hospitality extends to sacred texts and an openness to all spiritual traditions. 

We are a community that practices Contemplative Action

  • We participate in some kind of work on behalf of others
  • We engage the suffering of the world with compassion and non-violence
  • We respond to the suffering in the world with accompaniment and advocacy, supporting others as they find their way through struggle, and working to change systems that inflict suffering

We are a community listening and looking for the sacred presence in Creation

  • Creation is a sacrament, a visible sign of a larger presence in the world. 
  • Creation is a sacred text, through which Love reveals and teaches 
  • All of Creation is suffused with Love’s presence. Love is in all things. 

We are a community supportive of individuals committed to the task of becoming fully human, engaging in practices that increase our capacity to see the presence of Love in all things

  • We offer Rhythm and Rituals to support others engaging in spiritual practices
  • We are a Spiritual community living with unanswered questions and space for ongoing reflection, both within the larger community and each person’s inner sacred dialogue
    Wisdom Wednesdays

    Are you longing for a spiritual community that gathers regularly around a rhythm of contemplative practices?

    Are you seeking a worshipping community grounded in the spiritual practices of compassion, wholeness, silence, hospitality, unity, and deep connectedness to all creation?

    Would you like to gather with other pilgrims learning together how to move into our ‘wise mind’?

    We invite you to explore the Beloved Community of Tikkun Farm.

    We meet the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, 7:00pm-8:30pm for contemplative worship. We will chant, reflect on sacred texts, listen for what speaks in silence, fellowship around bread, cheese and chocolate, be.

    Families are welcome. Children will join adults for chanting and feasting. While adults engage in contemplative listening, children will explore sacred themes through art and creativity.

    Please bring something to contribute to our simple feast (finger food).

    REGISTER HERE so that we are well prepared to welcome you.

    1. Barbara Brown Taylor, Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith (New York: Harper Collins, 2006). 229.
    2. Henry Nouwen, Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life (Garden City, NY: Image, 1986), 47-48.
    3. Wayne Mueller. Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in our Busy Lives (New York: Bantam: 1999), 1.
    4. Ibid., 9.
    5. Anam Cara is Gaelic phrase meaning “soul friend”. The Celtic Church believed it was essential for a person pursing spiritual growth to have an Anam Cara. An often-repeated adage was that ‘a person without an Anam Cara, was like a body without a head.’ A person’s Anam Cara offered sacred companionship, served as a confessor and offered spiritual wisdom and guidance. Sometimes a person’s Anam Cara was older and farther down the spiritual path, other times a peer served as an Anam Cara.